Friday 7 June 2013

Tree Slaughter

Wednesday morning


Early Wednesday morning the head splitting 
screech of a circular saw
tearing the air.
Once a year our neigbours strim the long hedge
that runs at the back of our garden.
So I don’t take much notice.
I think that’s what they are doing.

Mid morning, my hands in the washing up bowl, I  glance out of the back door and
I see something high in the sky
that freezes the gasp in my throat.
Something falling
tied to a loose rope
and then a 
terrible crash 
as it smashes to the ground
in a hush of leaves.

A branch slashed
from the giant poplar tree
in our neighbours’ garden.

A man with a red hard hat
tethered with rope to another branch
Eiffel Tower high
a chain saw extended in one hand
in front of him
whirring through
fresh wood 
taking the life
of the tree

that has always been there.

Sentinal grandfather
overseeing all our homes
skeletal statue in winter
rustling with pigeons
in summer.
I measure the time by its swaying green shade
across our patio
barring and releasing 
filigree sun 
into our kitchen.

They take all day
with their loud surgery
and it’s still not done.

Tonight it stands 
half cut

And it won’t leave me alone
the space where it lived
empty now. 
The great majesty of it
with such violent precison.

The ache of it 
hurts so much
like someone I loved
just died.


  1. What a desecration. Why on earth did they do it?

  2. I wish I knew... when I'm not so sad I will go and ask they finished the job and there is sky where once there was a poplar.
