Wednesday 30 January 2013


In the kitchen today......

30th January 2013

On our way to bed, just a last wipe of the kitchen surfaces first. My husband says,

There was something sticking on the top of this thing.

He’s pointing at a ring on the ceramic hob.

You didn’t use a green scratchie to get it off, did you?


Oh no.

I hear the screech in my voice.

Then I rant about the special cream cleaner and the special surface and the damage to the hob and how you NEVER NEVER EVER EVER use anything abrasive on it and he keeps saying sorry and I rub it with the special cleaner and the soft cloth and it’s not really scratched badly at all and then we are both nearly in tears.....scared little boy, angry mum - roles gone wrong....

I reassure him over and over but I feel sick, sure I’ve left scratches in the tenderness of his heart a thousand times deeper than the ones on the surface of my cooker.....

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