Friday 30 March 2012

Nightmares and Angels

30th March 2012 Friday

I had a dream last night.

I’m sitting in the church waiting for my father’s service to begin. But instead of being in the front row I’m at the side behind lots of people. Two huge flower arrangements are withered up and drooping in their vases. Suddenly everyone surges forward and I can see my father’s coffin being carried up the centre isle. I stand on the pew and start screaming,

Daddy, Daddy.

But they carry on up the isle and no one hears me above the cheering of the crowd.

There won’t be a coffin tomorrow and I know the flower arrangement I ordered was delivered today. It’s already in place by the altar and is being well watered.

This morning I am supposed to be buying birthday gifts for my husband but I find myself looking through dress rails in East. I thought I’d decided what to wear tomorrow - a clothes swap tunic top which I love but it doesn’t feel quite right. I find a dress, the colour of seagrass, which I could wear over trousers. I can’t decide and leave. I find a silk scarf in another shop which might go with the dress. I can’t decide and leave. In my head I go back to the clothes swap tunic idea.

Then a fairy godmother moment happens. Coming towards me in the street is a dear friend on her way for a cup of tea. So we share a pot of Earl Grey and then she offers to help me with my to-buy-or-not-to-buy dress dilemma. And so I do. Buy it. And the scarf and a necklace she picks out which is perfect.

I think angels are always there for us.The thing is to recognise them when they come along. Help is always there for the asking. I just have to remember to ask more often.

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