Monday 28 February 2011

No Huskies

Saturday 26th February

Day 311

We are walking and talking in the woods under the veil of a blue and white sky. Sun warm, but air icy when we pass in the shade of the huge pine trees. A green notice put up by the Forestry Commission says,

“Huskies are exercised here.”

When I tell my husband that they are sledge dogs from Greenland he remembers straight away. When he explains to me the workings of our pensions I feel in a fog. I can’t believe there will be enough money in our future for his care - proper care. I’ve heard it can cost as much as £44,000 a year to look after someone in a nursing home.

My husband says it may not be like that but there will always be enough anyway. He holds me while I cry into his chest. Then we walk back on along the stoney path, not talking, keeping an eye out for huskies.

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