Friday 21 January 2011

Random Moments

Friday 21st January

Day 275

Random moments.....

Just past dawn - sitting with my nephew at the kitchen table while he eats toast and apricot jam, the huge platinum penny of the moon hanging over the ice frosted garden.......

Talking to the plumber who is bending new copper pipes in our loo I discover he is a self taught photographer who walks on Dartmoor at sunrise looking for a bright moment......

Sitting opposite the dear face of my husband while we dip spoons into scalding emerald green soup, guessing at the size of the tax bill.....

Turning the pages of my library book, the pussy cat warm and heavy on my tummy, bunking off from my afternoon to do list.......

The earthy aroma of Brazil nuts toasting in the oven for tomorrow’s supper.....

Now I hear the splashing of water running into the bath holding the hot promise of soothing the ache in my side....

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