Tuesday 18 January 2011

Out of the Blue

Tuesday 18th January

Day 272

Tonight I’m grateful for the dark womb of the cinema, sitting next to a hurting friend, plunged into someone else’s faraway drama for a few hours. Afterwards we fill our bellies with deep bowls of chicken noodle soup, our noses running in the heat of the Thai fragrant spices. And with not a corner left for cold rice pudding and ruby berry compote.

Now I must wring out the towels and find another, deeper bowl to catch the water drip dripping from the cistern pipe in the loo - to try and halt its passage through the floor boards and the extractor fan below it. We can’t find a reason for this sudden random flood that started yesterday. Out of the blue. Like our tsunami.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trish!

    How wonderful to read your beautiful writing again, you make food sound like the most fantastic gift, a glory in life, which it is. I shall come back again and again to your blog. It's such a great idea. Brilliant!
    Love, Julie-ann
