Sunday 14 November 2010

A Muffin Too Far

Sunday 14th November

Day 207

I fold fat round blueberries into a lumpy cornmeal batter and spoon dollops into the rough cut paper cases lining twelve cups of a bun tin. And hope they will be as light and moist as my memory of their American cousins.

We eat them, re-warmed, as part of a brunch with our dear friends who shared some of our Stateside adventure. Washed down with gallons of Earl Grey tea, mascapone cheese whipped up with maple syrup and summer blackcurrant jam, they seem to pass the test.

But I think there is still room for improvement. And room in the freezer for more breakfast experiments. I know there is a doughnut muffin recipe involving strawberry jam, hot melted butter and granulated sugar - but that might just be a muffin too far....

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