Monday 13 September 2010

Holy Trinity Noodle Soup

Monday 13th September

Day 145

The boiler is leaking. The man can’t come till Thursday. I put a large plastic bowl underneath the crusted tap to collect rusty brown water drips.

It feels cold and bleak in the house. The sky is white-out blank. I can smell rain coming. Fridge-cold lettuce and tomatoes won’t do for lunch. I consider pasta but today is the day to call on the holy trinity - chilli, ginger and garlic - in a hot Thai soup with long noodles to slurp up from the broth. I slice the kernels from a sweetcorn cob, grate a fat carrot, chop a purple onion, a long red pepper, a few chestnut mushrooms and pak choi leaves and scoot them into the steaming stock.

Lunch in a bowl in ten minutes - just fresh coriander to swirl in at the end and a glug of soy sauce. And some shakes of chilli sauce for my husband whose tolerance for pungent is greater than mine.

The boiler still drips but I’m glowing from the inside out.

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